Monday, August 28, 2017

Back to school

After a brief hiatus, things are back to normal and everyone is back home.  Chris got home from Israel and 10 days later, I was off to Scandinavia & Russia for two weeks.  In my absence, the boys all had a great time together, but I know that having everyone back home and together works well for us all.  The boys are happy having both of us around, we are happy to have each other back and the daily operations run a little more smoothly when we have all hands on deck.

Last week, the boys started back at school and each had a great first week!  Asher is in the Tots room with Ms. Kathy and Riley is in Pre-K with Ms. Elif.  They are back to their regularly scheduled program rather than camp and have made the transition easily.  

On the first day of school, Asher's teacher gave him a paper cup with milk.  I told her that he had a sip cup in his bag and she said "no, we use regular cups now" - who knew?  Asher has been doing a great job (mostly) and has only come home with a new outfit once so far.  His speech is also improving and he is learning new words every day.  We were a little concerned with his lack of vocabulary but not only can he say mama and dada but also has words like bubble, waffle, uh oh, baby and just today, said his own name.  I think he will be using sentences before we know it.

Riley is working on letters and words and is getting pretty good at it.  He came home on the first day of school and could spell "bee".  I think he has forgotten already but it's not something that we will give up on.  He loves reading and the more we work on letters and words, the closer he will get to being able to read on his own.

The boys each start swimming lessons next week, Riley in level 4 and Asher in level 1.  I am so impressed with Riley's swimming level and how comfortable he is in the pool.  Asher loves being in the water and hopefully learns to swim just as well as Riley.  Who knows?  We may have the start of a swim team on our hands.