Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Asher is 1 1/2

If you need an indicator to confirm that time is flying by, just think for a second that Asher is 1 1/2!  It is crazy to think that he is that old already but sure enough, he is no longer a baby but every day he is more and more a little boy.

And to prove that he is no longer a baby, he is showing the growth charts who's boss.  He is now at the 90th percentile for height and 75th percentile for weight.  I measured him to Riley's growth chart the other day and he has at least an inch on where Riley was at 18 months.  I even told Riley that I think Asher might be taller than him one day, but he was pretty skeptical of the thought.

At 18 months, Asher is very, very active!  He is able to jog (or really fast waddle sometimes), he loves to swim at camp, he has favorite foods (these pictures showcase his love of waffles) and his absolute favorite thing is to play baseball.  We go in the backyard and he either watches Riley and I play or we set him up with the tee and he can take some swings himself.  He says 'baseball' and gets pretty upset when I don't let him go in the backyard and play as soon as we get home from camp.  Try explaining a rain delay to this one - it does not go over well! 

The doctor was a little concerned that he didn't have a lot of words yet, so we are going to talk to a speech therapist and see what steps can be taken.  His is super communicative and gets his point across - we just play around a little until we get there sometimes.  And he has a mouth full of words just bubbling at the surface, and I know that as soon as he figures out how to get them out, he is going to have a lot more to say!

1 comment:

Asman Family said...

I think that he's the cutest kid around!