Monday, May 15, 2017

Goodbye to Grandy

I can't believe that this is the second time within a month that I find myself writing a "goodbye blog" but I guess that's just what happens sometimes...

This weekend, we lost Grandy and he will be missed by many.  It is bittersweet, however, as we just visited a few weeks ago and had a great time with him.  He was feeling well, in good spirits, talkative and happy to see us and the boys.  With Chris out of the country for work and me heading out in a few days, it just wasn't feasible to get down for the funeral.  That being said, I am content with our last visit and am very lucky that we got to have that last positive interaction with Grandy.

Not only have the boys had the chance to visit many times over the past 4 years, but so many of my childhood memories are with the family in Birmingham.  He was such a strong individual and I have learned so much from him.  I will make it my goal to pass along his memories and lessons, and hope to increase my thirst for knowledge in his honor.