Monday, February 13, 2017

Go, baby, go!

In case you've been wondering what's going on here, we have been keeping very busy!  We are very excited to welcome Leo to the family and we all love him already.  With the new addition, Asher realizes that he is no longer the baby of the family and has decided to step it up - literally - and prove that he is ready to move on to the next skill of big boydom... walking!

Now, he isn't wonderful at it yet, but with all new skills comes the time needed for practice and learning.  I don't think he will be running across the room tomorrow, but wouldn't be surprised if it happened in a few weeks.  We are still working on balance and learning to stand on his own.  Sometimes when we try to prop him up to walk, his legs turn into jelly and he has no desire to take steps.

Asher still reverts to crawling, because that is much faster than wobbly walking, but at least the crawling is now 100% on his hands and knees and he has graduated from the army crawl.  I don't think we will be entering him into any 5K races quite yet, but look out - this kid will be a walking pro in no time!


Asman Family said...

There is a fine line between walking and a controlled fall. It seems that Asher has well progressed from that "Fall" to purposeful walking. Soon it will be hard to keep up with him. Get ready (hint: if you tie his shoes together, it may slow him down).

Stacey said...

Check him out - Go, Asher, Go!!! He'll be joining the baby track team in no time. So exciting!