Tuesday, January 10, 2017

One year check-up

Asher had his one year check-up today, and just as I thought, he is perfect!  Asher is now weighing in at 23.5 pounds and is 30.5 inches.  They are very happy with his growth and these numbers put him around the 70-80th percentile.  They also said that he has perfectly fat thighs that are just right for his shots - don't worry, he did great for these too!

It turns out that this cold that he has had for a few days was actually an ear infection lurking, but we now have that under control, and he doesn't seem to be any worse off for it.  The nurse asked all the usual questions and thinks that his next tricks will be walking, saying a few words and playing peek-a-boo.  Get ready to be amazed!

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