Thursday, December 22, 2016

Asher's first haircut

Well, I guess I have held out long enough and the time has come for Asher to get his first haircut.  I don't know why I feel the need to hold out - it is just hair that will grow back, but for some reason, I always wait until it's just a little too late to finally give in and take the plunge. It's not like he has been asking to grow out his hair and I am going against his wishes.

I knew it was time to give in when he was looking up at me from his fringy 'do with bangs in his eyes and the swoop just wouldn't stay to the side.  So we sat him in the chair and asked for a little boy haircut!

Asher did a fantastic job!  He sat pretty still and there weren't many tears.  He was tolerant for scissors, brushes, blowdryers and trimmers.  He hadn't had an afternoon nap so he was a little grumpy and clingy but overall, he was great.  And the end result - I think he looks adorable!

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