Thursday, December 22, 2016

Asher's first haircut

Well, I guess I have held out long enough and the time has come for Asher to get his first haircut.  I don't know why I feel the need to hold out - it is just hair that will grow back, but for some reason, I always wait until it's just a little too late to finally give in and take the plunge. It's not like he has been asking to grow out his hair and I am going against his wishes.

I knew it was time to give in when he was looking up at me from his fringy 'do with bangs in his eyes and the swoop just wouldn't stay to the side.  So we sat him in the chair and asked for a little boy haircut!

Asher did a fantastic job!  He sat pretty still and there weren't many tears.  He was tolerant for scissors, brushes, blowdryers and trimmers.  He hadn't had an afternoon nap so he was a little grumpy and clingy but overall, he was great.  And the end result - I think he looks adorable!

Saturday, December 3, 2016

California love

This past week, we had the opportunity to spend time in California visiting both GeeGee and Safta, Zadie and the gang! We started out in LA, spent a few days with GeeGee at the house, doing fun activities and going for walks, and then drove up to Visalia on Wednesday for the next part of our California adventure.

Everyone flew into town and by Wednesday evening, it was the four of us, Linda and Claude, Patricia, James, Harvey and Rachel.  We filled the house with bags, babies, noise and fun.  The boys all had a great time paying together and sharing toys and tubs and it was cute watching them all interact together.

On Friday, we loaded up the cars again and headed back to Hollywood for the next round of fun.  We had a gorgeous house in the hollywood Hills so we could all spend more time together.  

Our last adventure was to Universal Studios where we spent the day trying out new rides, dodging raindrops and convincing Riley to try new things.  We all had a great time on the rides and spending our last day together.

On the last day, we went back to GeeGee's house for a few hours of visiting before heading back to the airport and going home.  The only part of the week that didn't go to plan was the ride to the airport.  We had an Uber driver who got us pretty close but 1.5 miles away, the traffic was terrible and we made the decision to walk the rest of the way to make our plane in time.  So with 2 kids, 2 suitcases, a stroller and carry-ons, we hoofed it to the airport - along with the other passengers who made the same decision. It wasn't an ideal way to end the trip but we made it and that's all that counts.

We had an amazing time on the West Coast and can't wait for our next visit!