Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Asher is 9 months old

We just got back from the beach - which will get its own blog post - but I just wanted to take a minute to recognize the fact that Asher turned 9 months old while we were out of town.  

He is a very happy guy and everyone who meets him says two things.  1. That he is very happy and smiley and 2. That he is a big baby.  I can attest to both of those!  He is almost always in a good mood and makes friends easily.  And he weighs over 22 pounds which is getting more and more difficult to tote around.

We are taking him in for his 9 month check-up next week so we will see where he stacks up, but I know this linebacker, bruiser of a baby is going to be tipping the top ends of the chart.  But at the end of the day, he is so happy and healthy and cute, and those are the most important things to be checking in on!

1 comment:

Asman Family said...

If good things come in small packages, then GREAT things come in BIG packages!