Tuesday, July 5, 2016

6 months

This morning, I took Asher in for his 6 month check-up and he passed with flying colors!  This little chunker weighs 17 lbs 11 oz which sounds (and feels) like a lot but just puts him at the 50th percentile for his age.  His height is at the 60th percentile and for someone who was born 5 weeks early and only weighed 6 pounds, there is no sign of being a preemie!  He is trying to say a lot, is doing really well at eating his food and is a squirmy worm.  Next step is to get him to start rolling over and to sleep through the night.

I have now not slept through the night for over 8 months (he woke me up at night even before he was born) and I'm ready for a full night sleep - hopefully in the coming weeks.  The doctor said that we should stop swaddling Asher and give him a pacifier when he cries at night but don't take him out or feed him, otherwise, that is what he will need to fall asleep all the time.  I am happy to say that he fell asleep pretty quickly tonight and is sleeping spread eagle, for now.  I'm sure he'll wake up soon but with any luck, it will be a quick visit and then we can both go back to bed.  Stay tuned!

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