Monday, June 13, 2016

Meredith comes to visit

We were lucky enough to have Meredith come to Pittsburgh to visit us this past weekend!  It has been 2 years since she has been in Pittsburgh so a lot has changed here since then!  We had a low-key weekend planned but seemed to fill just about every minute.  From family dinners to visiting the Three Rivers Arts Festival, snuggle time and relaxing time, we all had a great time!

Mere said that she was warned that Riley is a very busy kid and he certainly met this expectation - but very well behaved!  Asher was very interested in the new family member and had some new tricks to show off, like babbling, reaching for toys and putting everything in his mouth.

We are trying to make it so that the Asman's can reconvene at the beach this Fall so we will start the countdown and put the plans into action.  Which family members want to visit us next?

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