Monday, March 28, 2016

First day at school (and back to work)

Well, the vacation is officially over and it is time for Asher to go to school and start learning like a big boy.  We all knew this day was coming but 12 weeks flew and I can't believe today was his first day at the JCC.

I was worried either he or I (or both) would cry at drop off but we both did really well.  I felt comfortable leaving him in the Infant Room because its the same room that Riley was in when he was a baby and I know the teachers and trust them.  Asher didn't really care where he was as long as he had a bed, a bottle and a warm body to snuggle up to.  And his bed was waiting for him too with a special welcome message.

All of the teachers were really excited to see him awake as each of the other times I brought him in to say hi, he was asleep.  We did the hand off and Asher seemed to be happy as long as he was being held.

Riley was able to come and visit during the day and was so excited to visit his little brother.  At the end of the day, I came to pick him up and found him wonky in the swing without a care in the world - seems pretty happy to me!

And for me, going back to work was easy - just like I expected.  It was nice that I had been able to keep up with projects by coming in every week, plus, my co-workers were super helpful in keeping my inbox pretty clear so I wasn't swamped coming back in.  And who doesn't love working at an office who welcomes you back to work with hugs and flowers?

I think it will take a few days to get into a groove and find a routine that works to get everyone out the door on time and prepared for the day, but I think we will get there as a team!


Emily said...

Asher DOES have the cutest chubby cheeks. And that's so sweet that Riley can visit him and be a good big brother during the day!

Asman Family said...

I know that you miss him...That was 12 weeks of bonding. I'm sure that he will do just fine.