Wednesday, March 2, 2016

2 months old

Time is flying by and I can't believe that Asher is already 2 months old!  I know I will look back when he is 2 years old and 12 years old and 20 years old and not believe how tiny he was and how quickly time is moving.

We had the official weigh in this afternoon and Asher weighs... drum roll please... 10 pounds, 9 ounces!  The doctor was very impressed with his weight gain and said that Asher is looking great!He had to have 3 shots but after the initial crying and shock, he was happy to snuggle and eat.

Asher is still pretty much eating and sleeping but he is staying awake longer and likes to look around and check things out. The next trick that he should be able to do is to smile at us when we smile at him.  Stay tuned for some smiley baby pictures in the near future!


Unknown said...

He's getting so big!! He's so adorable! We really can't wait to meet him!

Asman Family said...

I LOVE smiley baby pictures...

Stacey said...

This Mr. Amazing picture is so awesome - he looks like the cool kid with his hood up and a graphic tee. So cute!