Tuesday, October 6, 2015

21 week ultrasound visit

Yesterday, we visited our friends at the ultrasound center and they were kind enough to spend about 45 minutes watching our little Matzo Ball baby wiggle, squirm and show off!

Matzo Ball weighs about a pound and is the size of a spaghetti squash - hard to believe that it's so big already.  Because we found out about 5-6 weeks later that we were pregnant, I still feel like we are playing catch up to how quickly the baby is growing.  

Riley was a big help during the appointment by assisting in the jelly squirting.  I'm just hoping that he doesn't take future opportunities to squirt things on my belly!  We pointed out things to him like hands, feet, a spine and the baby's heart.  The ultrasound tech even said that the baby had a really good looking heart!  I told her that I wish I could take credit for it and she said I could!  Most parents come in around 18 or 19 weeks to find out the gender and it's still a little early to see the development but since we waited a few more weeks, she could see how strong the heart was and she said that everything looked really great!

She also said that she could see the gender - at which point, we looked away and didn't cheat.  We had her write it down and the secret is currently living in a well-sealed envelope that we plan to use in the next week or so.  Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awww! You have such a cooperative child already lol! Sweet Pea NEVER moved when we had ultrasounds. Too sleepy I guess. My guess is....GIRL!