Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Hearing heartbeats

We had our 20 week check-up earlier this week just to get measured and hear Matzo Ball's heartbeat and Chris and Riley came to the appointment with me.  It was a quick visit, but as we were waiting for the doctor, Riley wanted to sit on the table and sit with mommy.  We wasn't quite sure what the stirrups were for, but you better believe he made sure his rain boots fit while he was looking for "his baby".

All of our measurements are normal and looking good and the heartbeat was 158 - just right!

As of today, Matzo Ball weighs in at 3/4 of a pound and is 10.5 inches long.  Next up is our ultrasound!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

20 weeks

Round 1 versus Round 2

20 weeks looks pretty different this time around, doesn't it?  I think at this point with Riley, people couldn't tell and were surprised when I told them I was pregnant.  This time, for the people who don't know, I sure hope they guess that there's a baby in there and not that I'm desperately trying to fit into my clothes from high school without caring what I look like!

I'm feeling wiggles and kicks and can most of the time tell the difference between the movement being from the baby and not my colitis.  As of yesterday, the baby is the size of a banana.  We have a check-up on Monday to hear Matzo Ball and in a week, we get to do another ultrasound.  Riley will be with us for both of these appointments so he can feel part of the process and check in on his baby brother or sister as they grow.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

19 weeks of Matzo Balls

The first time I took a spin on the pregnancy merry-go-round, we had family in more than a handful of states and so the blog was a way to share news with everyone, especially those who I didn't see very often.  This time around, we are lucky to be in the same city as so many family members!  More than half of my "readership" is now local, which means you see me, and my Matzo Ball bump on a daily basis, which means less need for photographic evidence.  But for those of you who aren't here... here is the first "bumpie" picture:

No, the coffee cup is not there because I was unwilling to put it down for the picture, but to show you how big Matzo Ball is!  At 19 weeks, Matzo Ball is 6 inches long (head to butt) and weighs 8.5 ounces.  I think I am feeling some movement but nothing has been definitive enough to really say for sure.

I have officially retired all of my non-pregnancy pants and am now finding creative ways to work my few pregnancy pants into a multitude of options.  My wardrobe from last time is all wrong as everything that fit me when I was big was for a summer Riley and this time, I will be growing into a winter Matzo Ball.

Riley told me today that the baby is a boy and he is getting a sister... so yes, he is sending mixed signals.  Maybe he just wants to hedge his bets to he will be right either way!

Monday, September 7, 2015

3rd Birthday on the 3 Rivers

What better way to celebrate your third birthday than on a pirate themed cruise on the rivers?  And add to it costumes, balloon swords and family, and you've got yourself a party! Today was a full day of celebrations from brunch to boat ride, to lunch, dinner and football game, plus cake!  It was a super fun celebration and we are so lucky to have everyone as part of the party.

It was a pirate themed cruise for everyone on-board, but no one else took it as seriously as we did.  We came prepared with hats for all, plus, Chris was decked out in full garb - parent of the year award!

And with an adorable pirate who was super excited to play along, we had a great time!  This will be a full week of celebrations cause who doesn't like to keep the party going as long as possible?