Monday, August 17, 2015

Here's looking at you, kid!

One thing that Riley will have to get used to now is sharing - so he might as well share the blog too!  We are about to make our big announcement that baby #2, "Matzo Ball" is on its way!  

Here are the facts to share to make things easy:

I am about 14 weeks along
The baby is due around February 10
I had one blah week when Chris and I were on vacation in Alaska but I am feeling great
We're not sure if we are going to find out the gender
I am showing as much at 3.5 months this time as I was at 5 months last time
Riley is excited to be a brother

Riley keeps talking to the baby, asking me/it if it wants food and he kisses my belly goodbye.  He also sometimes "takes" the baby out of my stomach and puts it in his belly to carry and has told us that he wants to teach the baby to swim...

I hadn't told anyone at the JCC yet when one of the teachers congratulated me.  She said that Riley has been telling everyone that he is going to be a brother, so it's a good thing we were ready to share!  And it's a good thing that he's excited!

So just know this, Matzo Ball - you will never have a secret cause your big brother is ready to break the news first!

Feel free to share the news with the family - we will be posting to the media outlets shortly!

Friday, August 7, 2015

Big boy Riley

Well, this has been a crazy summer with travel and going here and there, but I am happy to report that we are all back under one roof and intend to stay that way for a little while.  It is amazing how much Riley grows up in a short amount of time and both Chris and I realized that when we came home to a bigger boy after each of our trips. So in honor of his growing up, he gets to start sleeping in a big boy bed!

We told him we had a surprise waiting for him in his room and I think he seems pretty happy about it - don't you think?  What not-so-little boy wouldn't want a new race car bed with Lightning McQueen sheets?  

And the cherry on top?  I was invited into his special bed for our nightly book reading.  There was no question of where the pacifier is, so let's hope he makes the connection that big boys in big beds don't get paci's.  If it needs to be explained, I am ready to share that knowledge.

As I write this blog a little after bed time, I keep checking his video monitor to make sure that he is still in bed.  Currently, his leg is balancing precariously on the edge of the bed, but the saving grace is that there isn't that far to fall if he decides to take a roll.  On second thought... I think I will go put some blankets on the floor as a soft landing pad - just in case!