Sunday, August 3, 2014

Wet weekend

With our weekend starting out sunny and dry, we set up Riley's new sandbox and picked out the perfect toys that should live in there.  We have a nice flat spot in the shade where the turtle now lives and Riley has a really great time playing in there - when the weather allows it.

The whole weekend wasn't that pretty, though.  With Sunday morning's concert in the park being cancelled, we had to find new indoor activities to keep us busy.  So first we went to Lowe's to get a handful of things that we needed around the house, and then spent some time playing around Wal-Mart.

Do you see Riley?  Can you tell what we are testing out?  Can you see how happy he is to be part of the display?


Asman Family said...

I'll take THAT one...the cute baby on the top shelf. Does he come with the car seat, or do I have to purchase that separately? What ever, I'll take him anyway...he's just TOO CUTE!

Anonymous said...

I love that he loves the sandbox. He's so busy with all of his toys!