Monday, July 14, 2014

We now return to our regularly scheduled program!

After a few weeks hiatus, it is now time to jump back onto the blog and keep everyone posted on our comings, our goings, our new tricks, and our fun times.

It seems that in the 2 weeks I was on the Med Cruise, Riley has grown taller and now talks more than ever.  He is forming sentences and is always very willing to speak his mind.  He is very opinionated and makes sure that you know exactly what he is thinking.  And if you choose not to listen, he is very persuasive in getting his way.

On the way to camp this morning, I asked Riley if he was going to tell his friends about the fun weekend that we had and all of the exciting activities that we did.  He could tell them about having family Shabbat dinner, going on a walk, making art projects at the mall and playing at the pool.  He could share with them that he snacked on pizza, ate Chinese food with Bibi and Zee, shared ice cream with Mommy and ate corn soup on the patio.  Then, he could brag about his new t-ball set, picking out snazzy jammies, checking out a new park and playing with new toys at the JCC.  And that was all this weekend!

They keep him very active at camp, yet he always seems to find the reserve supply on the evenings and weekends, so it is up to us to fill the time and have fun together.


Asman Family said...

Don't you just wish you could harness all of his energy? Actually, I think that he draws his energy supply from his parents; the more energy HE has, the less YOU have!

Anonymous said...

I have been waiting for a new entry for weeks! Thanks for posting! I love the stroller!