Thursday, November 7, 2013

Sprung from school

Riley hasn't been feeling 100% again - his fever is back and he still has a runny nose - so we sprung him from school this afternoon and brought him to the doctors office to see what was going on.

The fire station is just across the street from the pediatrician so we have started to make a habit of showing up a little early and making a detour to check out the trucks.  I figure we might as well make him really happy before we piss him off.  Today, they let us go up in the truck and Riley had a great time practicing his steering skills!

Then it was off to the doctors appointment.  The good news is that they didn't see anything that was wrong.  His ears look good, his lungs sound great and he was in a pretty good mood.  The bad news is that we still don't know why he keeps getting sick.  So for now, we will just keep a close eye on him, hope for the best and pray that he gets over all of this quickly.


Anonymous said...

He looks like such a big boy in that little chair. So adorable!

Asman Family said...

I think that Riley's illnesses are much harder on you, the parents, than on him. Hey, he looks at it as a trip to the fire station. Just don't be surprised if he grows up NOT wanting to be a fireman because he associates fireman with being sick!

stacy.rubenstein said...

Has his doctor said anything to you about kids being sick more often when they go to daycare? My friend and I were joking the other day that we can't even keep track anymore of the symptoms our children experience. I feel like Ethan comes down with something like every other week. By the time Riley is in kindergarten, his immune system will be quite strong!