Monday, July 15, 2013

Enjoying the beautiful weekend

This weekend, we had such beautiful weather that we just had to spend as much time as we could outside.  On Saturday, we spent a few hours at the neighborhood pool.  We are just a few blocks away so when Riley woke up from his morning nap, we fed him quickly, slathered him with sunscreen and headed off to the pool.

The water was pretty cold but once we eased ourselves in, we were all smiles.  We played with our toys, spent time practicing taking steps, made new friends and just enjoyed each other.  You should have heard Riley giggling when Chris went underwater and then popped up - he was squealing!

On Sunday evenings, our park has live music so we had to check that out too.  We packed up a picnic dinner, walked over to the park with BiBi and Zee and spent the evening on a blanket listening to The Stickers, a country band.  Riley loved the music, the people watching and the food.  Zee even took him down to the area in front of the stage so he could get a front-row view of the band and the kids dancing to the music.

As you can tell, we are loving our lives in the suburbs!

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