Monday, November 26, 2012

Loving the library

Since Friday, Riley has had a little bit of a cold.  He doesn't seem to be too phased by the illness and the only symptoms he really has is being a little more tired than usual and coughing like a pack-a-day smoker.  Besides that, he's still in good spirits and nothing can hold back that smile.  According to Bibi, babies don't know that they're sick so they don't mope around.

After staying in all weekend and trying to recover, we got a little stir crazy and decided it would be ok to bundle up and run some errands.  Our first and most interesting stop was the library!  According to Zee, no grandson of his should have waited this long for his first library visit (only 11 weeks), but we just had so much going on!

Unfortunately, as is often the case, Riley slept through our adventure.  But he did smile when we went into the book store!   We picked up our very own copy of Love You Forever, Fairytales from Hans Christian Anderson, The Stinky Cheese Man and Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblin to add to our growing book collection at home. 

In other milestone news, Riley is very close to giggling and he held his own bottle for 10 seconds today!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Stinky Cheese Man!!! Oh man, I know he's going to love that. Best book ever.

I can't wait for him to giggle!