Tuesday, October 16, 2012

5 week check-up

This morning, we brought Riley in for his 1-ish month check up.  He did a fantastic job (ignoring the minute he screamed after his shot) and now weighs in at 10 pounds and is 22 inches!  The doctor was really happy with his progress and says that he looks perfect!

Riley usually goes to sleep around 11:30pm and sleeps through until 4am.  He has a nice long sleep chunk at night which is great for our sleep schedule too!  He doesn't like taking naps on his own in his crib during the day - I think he gets lonely - but we are working on that this week.  I found that he likes to be swaddled for his naps too.

We are making sure to have Tummy Time each day and Riley's neck is getting really strong! He even rolled from his tummy to his back both yesterday on his play mat and today at the doctors office - needless to say, she was impressed!


Anonymous said...

That's great that he's flipping and lifting his head. Nice work, Riley!


Asman Family said...

Yea!!! He's sooooo cute! I think that he likes tummy time. Just think how much he will like it once he can hold his head up we'll. a whole now world to explore!

Stacey said...

That looks like one heavy head. I blame Chris for that one. Nice work, Riley, keep it up! Soon you'll be able to hold your own head up, focus on things, and flip onto your back as much as you want! I'm very impressed with the flipping.