Thursday, June 28, 2012

30 weeks!

Here we are - 30 weeks!  Which means that the official 10 week countdown starts now!

My baby app says that Blueberry is now the size of a 15.7 inch, 2.75 pound cabbage.  I don't know about you but I have never seen a cabbage that is almost 16 inches long!  

I also had to laugh this morning cause the app says "By this time, you may have gained 25-35 pounds" and I am up 7-10 (depending on if we are going by my scale or the doctors scale) - but each time I go for a check up, they measure my belly and say that I am still measuring in appropriately so that makes me feel a little better.

We are going in for another appointment tomorrow before we make our big trip down South.  They just want to check to make sure that everything's ok before I fly.  If I am cleared then Bama, here we come!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Baby beluga

This weekend, we went to New Buffalo, Michigan for a relaxing weekend away.  We went for walks with the dogs, went to a Farmer's Market, had a picnic lunch, ate s'mores and had some pool time!   It was a really relaxing weekend, not having to be anywhere and just doing whatever we felt like.

We spent a few hours each day at the pool and it was wonderful!  The weather was beautiful and luckily it wasn't too hot but still, the pool felt refreshing and I can only imagine how great it will be to swim when I am bigger and it is hotter outside.

I tried to float on my back but had a little more trouble than usual.  You'd think I would be even more buoyant but had to try a little harder to get my big belly out of the water.  As soon as I figured out how to float, Chris deemed my belly an island - specifically Mt. Vesuvius, about to erupt.  Hopefully I'm not about to erupt but I did feel like an extra island was added to the floating chain.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Now thats a pregnancy lunch!

Now, I know I am eating for 2 but that doesn't really give me the excuse to have the lunch that I ate today.  I have been eating lots of smaller meals but today was a splurge: veggie burger, cheese fries and a Nutella milkshake!  Granted, I shared the cheese fries - but still!

Blueberry is now kicking around in there, thanking me for this glorious feast!

I know that I am showing more than ever thanks to remarks such as "Erin, it looks like you swallowed a watermelon this weekend!" or "Woah, you're really pregnant now!" when I stood up from my desk - all of which are very helpful in me being able to track my pregnancy progress.

Don't worry, most of my meal and snacks are healthier.  But what's the fun in not giving in every once in a while?  Especially when you can blame it on a baby!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Ohio State visit

Not everyone is in the position where they can go back to the place where they met their husband while they are pregnant.  I, however, am not most people...  

We spent the weekend in Columbus for Gabe's graduation.  It was great to be able to spend time with family and see Gabe graduate and was also fun to spend a little time walking around and thinking back to what it was like when I was in school.  At that time, I would have never thought that one day I could be walking back on campus with Chris as my husband with our baby on the way.  It was really exciting and brought back some good memories.

Of course, there were some shopping opportunities as well.  Chris wanted to buy the whole baby section of the Ohio State stores including a baby jersey, booties with buckeyes on them and a set of Ohio State sheets.  I held him back but know that if I left him alone in the store, he would have furnished our whole nursery and stocked Blueberry's closet with everything Ohio State!  There was a onesie that said "Future Buckeye" that was just so cute that I almost didn't make it out of the store but we left it behind knowing that we can always come back with the baby and pick out some clothes then.  

Monday, June 4, 2012

Maternity wear

At 26 weeks, I am now getting a lot of use out of my maternity wear!  I have outgrown my roomy jeans and now get to wear stretchy leggings and pants with belly bands.  Some of my shirts still fit and really show off my belly and my other roomier shirts still have some give.

Blueberry is now 14.5 inches long and 1.75 pounds - the length of a hothouse cucumber!  

We had a baby CPR class on Saturday at the hospital and are now professionals at infant and child CPR and choking.  The hospital looked really nice and we will get an official tour next month when we take our Great Expectations class.

I have been keeping up with my reading and just read the Labor & Delivery section of 2 different books.  There is a lot to read about and the more I read, even though its a little scary, I figure its better to know what I can expect when its actually time to have the baby.  More reading to come!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Sisters Trip!

This past weekend, Stacey and I took a Sister's Trip before travel will be limited with the baby.  We took a drive up to Portland, Maine and stayed for 2 nights and enjoyed the whole trip.  Portland is a very cute city and by the end of 3 days, we can now tell you where the best ice cream and souvenir shops are as we checked them all out.

The weather was beautiful and we couldn't have had a better time.  We took morning coffee walks, went shopping, took a ferry ride to explore Peaks Island, rented bikes and took a bunch of pictures.  It was so much fun to be able to do whatever we wanted without a schedule.  It was such a relaxing vacation and more than anything, the company was fabulous.

The baby was really good the whole weekend and didn't hold me back much.  Stacey called me "Preggers" the whole time and we used that excuse to eat ice cream for dinner.  Stacey got to feel Blueberry kick around and I even got to belly bump a lighthouse!