Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy LOVE Day!

Valentines Day, the day created to celebrate love, seems as good a time as any to start a baby blog!  We are so excited to be able to share this journey with our family and friends hope you will follow along with us on the road to parenthood.

Right now, we are 10 weeks along and everything is going smoothly.  We went to the doctor, saw the baby, listened to the heartbeat and were told that everything is looking great - we are thrilled!  There has been no morning sickness (knock on wood) and the baby is growing at the perfect speed.  We have gone from a poppy seed to a blueberry to a raspberry to an olive and this week, our baby is the size of a prune.  

We have told all of our immediate family and everyone has been so excited and supportive.  We can't wait to make our world announcement but that will have to wait for a few weeks.  Until then, we will just keep waiting and growing!

1 comment:

Grandma said...

I finally was able to get into "The Herman Baby blog spot" via Google, and it asks me to join, which I'll be doing after writing this comment. So exciting! Let me know when I can spread the word. Love, Grandma