Thursday, February 23, 2012

33% done already?

Well, today officially marks 12 weeks!  

According to my pregnancy app, the baby is now the size of a plum, is 2.1 inches long and weighs a whopping 1/2 ounce.  Its funny - sometimes I forget that I am even pregnant because it has been so easy so far and then I look and see the ultrasound and remember that there is a little baby growing inside of me.

The other thing that reminds me that I am pregnant is that my pants are starting to get a little tight...  Today in particular, it was more noticeable than it has been so far.  Maybe its the fact that I haven't worn this specific pair of pants in about a year, but 10 minutes after sitting down at my desk, I knew it was going to be a long day!

Besides that, everything is going really well!  We have tests and doctors appointments set up for the next few weeks and we are hoping to just continue getting good news!

1 comment:

Asman Family said...

Counting down the Days here also! It's all so very exciting. Love keeping up with your progress.