Monday, October 21, 2019

10 Year Anniversary

How is it even possible that we are celebrating our 10 year anniversary?  10 years is a really long time - it's hard to even wrap my head around the fact that this is a real measure in any other way than remembering everything that has happened since we got married.  Since we said "I do", we have moved 4 times, had 2 kids, bought 2 houses, bought 2 cars, completed 2 Master's degrees, visited over a dozen countries, celebrated lots of milestones and made countless memories!

Our original thought was to take a big celebratory trip - somewhere neither of us had gone and make a big anniversary trip.  Then we bought a house and realized that other things take priority and that at the end of the day, we really just wanted to go somewhere together and have some time to ourselves.  So we took advantage of our friends mountain house and headed up for a weekend celebration!  The only thing that we had plans for was a dinner reservation, but besides that, we were totally flexible.  We slept in (or at least I did), went for a 5 mile hike at the state park, went to Autumnfest to listen to live music and check out the craft fair and just hung out at the house.  It was really relaxing and very refreshing not to have lots of plans that had us running from one event to the next!

The weather ended up being perfect, too!  It was pretty cold in the morning of our hike but that didn't stop us.  We added our layers and hit the trail.  By the end, our backpack was filled with layers and hats and the sun was shining.  The evenings were cool but we had a fire goings in the house while we watched movies, cooked meals, enjoyed a firework show (that Chris took credit for planning) and enjoyed each others company.  Turns out, we don't need to go anywhere big to have a perfect anniversary celebration!