Monday, May 6, 2019

Playing Catch Up

LIFE IS BUSY!!!  As if you couldn't tell from the date of my last blog post (1/10/19), things have be incredibly active in the Herman house!  Getting our house on the market included lots of cleaning, decluttering, many trips to the storage unit, lots of time out of the house, packing, putting things away and general high stress levels.  Living with these two little monsters included lots of books, dirt, fights, acrobatics, giggles and imagination.  Things are always busy!

Every time I think I have a few free minutes, something else pops up that I have to do.  But with the nice weather that we have been having, a lot of the time has been spent outside too.  Asher wants to do everything that Riley does and Riley is (usually) great at letting Asher play along.  These brothers are two peas in a pod.  Riley has a super active imagination and is talking about 23 hours a day.  He is getting really good at baseball and has lost 8 teeth.  Asher loves helping me cook, wants to play with all of Riley's toys, tells the pets hello all the time and lights up a room with his smile when you pick him up from school.

It is so nice that they have each other and I love that every day, they are playing more and more together.  Yes, I still have to separate them and tell them to keep their hands to themselves and make them sit down during dinner, but I am also loving how grown up they feel at times.  I love that we can go out and do lots of fun activities and they are constantly asking questions to learn how things work.  Parenting is a full time job and these guys sure know how to keep us on our toes - every. single. minute!