Monday, May 28, 2018

Memorial Day Memories

Well, it's been a while since I have posted but things have been very, very busy!  Between bachelor/ette weekends, sports classes, family time and just getting things done, we have found plenty of ways to fill our days.  

 This weekend, however, we didn't have many things planned and I had the chance to spend the long Memorial Day weekend with the boys. The Family Park had an event that we went to on Sunday and the boys were really excited that it was finally outside pool weather again.  They could have cared less about the concert that we went for and were just counting down the minutes until I would give in and let them go swimming.  Riley is such a little fish and Asher is doing a great job swimming to the wall.

I surprised them at the end of the day and asked if they wanted to go get ice cream - they surprised me by wanting to dress up for the occasion.   And who am I to deny my boys the chance to be creative, so we became super heroes who like ice cream!

Mt. Lebanon has a great Memorial Day parade so this morning, we loaded up the car, found a spot along the parade route and watched all of the fire trucks, police men, "army guys" and bands make their way down the street.  Bibi taught Asher to wave his little American flag at everyone to show that he appreciates them and the whole way home, every time he saw another car or motorcycle, he would waive his flag at it.

The boys both loved watching all of the pomp and circumstance and even better, loved going to check out the fire truck after the parade was over.  They were in every seat of the fire truck and I literally had to peel Asher out of the drivers seat.  Riley told me today that he wants to be a police officer, a fire fighter and an army guy - I am going to keep my fingers crossed that engineer will make it back onto the list soon.

And as if yesterday's ice cream surprise wasn't enough, we were invited to ice cream for lunch with Bibi and Zee after the parade.  This little total pole of happy people is brought to you by sunshine, family, fire trucks and sugar!