Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Waiting for the tooth fairy

It's official - Riley has lost his first tooth!  

His front two teeth have been a little loose since he and a friend were playing a few months ago and he knocked his face into a wall at school - it ended up being a lot less dramatic than it sounds.  Since then, he has been able to wiggle them both but this week, we have had a lot more motion.  He was eating an apple this evening and I didn't think anything of it. When I left to bring Grandmommy home, apparently the boys jumped into action.  By the time I came home, Chris told me to go check out Riley in his room.

There he was, grinning a gap toothed smile, very proud of his new look!  He said that it only hurt a little and that he was very brave.  His tooth is currently under his pillow in a Crown Royale bag awaiting the arrival of the Tooth Fairy.  He said that he knows that she will come tonight and that he thinks she will be leaving him $23 - that's a lot of inflation since my days of losing teeth!

The look is very cute today - let's hope it still looks this good in 8 weeks for Gabe's wedding!