Sunday, February 18, 2018

Asher joins Club Tube

This week, Asher - in a quest to do everything just like his big brother - got his own set of ear tubes.  We had considered them for a while as he was getting multiple ear infections and then we thought we were in the clear.  He went a while without getting one and we had our fingers crossed.  Then, he got three in a row and the ENT had no doubt that tubes were the way to go.

Asher didn't really know what was going on, just that he got to spend the day playing in a new outfit.  Riley's procedures were in the morning so the fact that he couldn't eat was not a big deal.  Asher's procedure was in the afternoon and I thought it was going to be a big deal but he didn't even seem to miss breakfast or lunch.  He was a champ through the whole process and the only time he cried was literally the 10 seconds between when I put him down on the table and he fell asleep for surgery.

The procedure itself only took about 15 minutes and as soon as he was waking up, we were able to go back and be with him.  He was being a grouch - as expected with anesthesia - but as soon as he had us and animal crackers, he calmed down and got to go home.  The rest of the day was spent with snuggles, naps, tv and snacks so Asher was pretty happy.  And he was able to go back to school the next day - everything was back to normal!  Riley said that Asher should get blue ear tubes just like he had, so now they have blue buddy tubes and Asher is even more like Riley!

Monday, February 5, 2018

Let's lace up!

This weekend, we went to an ice skating birthday party and had the chance to take both boys out on the ice!  Riley has been skating a few times - with Stacey and Brad, and most recently with Chris, but Asher has never laced up.  Riley is getting pretty confident and I am so proud of him for getting out on the ice and not being scared.  He doesn't have great technique yet but he get excited about going to skate and is happy that we will be signing him up for lessons in March.

Asher wasn't quite sure about the ice at first, but whatever Riley does, Asher follows, so out he went without much hesitation.  There was a lot of wobbly steps and hand holding on the way to the ice but as soon as we put him on the rink, he put his trust in us and really impressed me with his go-with-the-flow attitude.  Chris and I took turns going around the rink with him cause there was a lot of bending and holding on our part (and aching backs today) but even though his feet were sliding this way and that and his coat kept riding up to show his tummy to all, Asher had a great time and kept asking to go around again and again.

I think this is a fun activity that we can definitely continue as a family and I look forward to the days that we can go around the rink without having to drag the boys along - maybe they can do the dragging in the future!