Sunday, November 26, 2017

Turkey Day

This year, we were lucky to have the family come to us for Thanksgiving!  We were on our own turf, on our own schedule and we got to see everyone in one place.  It was a lot of prep and a lot of planning but the Thanksgiving dinner was delicious, everyone had fun spending time together and it was nice for the boys to have the chance to spend time with the Herman side of the family.

Besides Thanksgiving dinner, we had very few plans, so it was nice just to hang out, be low key and allow everyone to do what it is that they wanted to do.  On Saturday, everyone came to our house for pretty much the whole day to watch football (Ohio State and Alabama) and eat loads of food.  The boys had a great time playing together and we really made great use of the space in the house with two TV's going and play stations upstairs and downstairs. 

It's nice that we had this time to spend together and the boys are really cute together.  Although Leo isn't pictured, he was here too and it was fun to have both of my nephews in my house at the same time.  Now that everyone is back home and settled into their own schedules, I am sure it will be nice to get back to normal life after a very busy, but family filled, weekend!

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween from the Star Wars gang!  This year, since everyone was in town and old enough to go trick-or-treating, we decided to make the holiday a family affair.  We asked Riley what he wanted to dress up as and with his decision of Storm Trooper, we built from there and decided to make the battle of parents vs. kids a show of good vs. evil.

Although it was a chilly night, we really lucked out with the weather as it has been raining almost every other day.  We put on a few layers under our costumes, put a bucket of candy on our porch and headed over to Bibi and Zee's neighborhood.  There were hundreds of kids and we were told how much people liked our outfits the whole way around the block.  It took a full hour to make our way around, and I ended up carrying Darth Vader for most of the event, but it was a good experience.  The hardest part was trying to explain to Asher the concept of trick-or-treating.  At first, he didn't understand that you put candy in your bag for later - he thought you were allowed to eat it as you go.  Once we stuck a lollypop in his mouth, that took care of him for the next dozen or so houses.  We also went to a few houses that had dogs at the door so he thought that part of going door-to-door was also looking for dogs.  Riley asked for candy at each stop and Asher looked for dogs - it was a good combination.

At the end of the night, the boys helped Bibi hand out candy.  This was also a little bit of a challenge for Asher.  At one point, he started taking candy out of other people's bags.  Good thing he looked so freaking cute that he was able to get away with it with the middle school girls.  

Chris and I decided that we would have been able to hit up a lot more houses had it not been for the kids, but they completed the crew so it was nice to have them with us.  Now we get to start thinking about what costumes we can wear together next year!