Monday, October 31, 2016

Trick or Treat!

Happy Halloween!  The countdown is over, the costumes are on, the candy is collected and I am exhausted!  Riley has been asking for weeks when he could wear his Iron Man costume and the time has finally come.  He got to wear it twice, actually, as we had a practice run this weekend for the Halloween parade and a birthday party, but tonight he got to wear it for the real deal of trick or treating.

We went to Bibi and Zee's house for dinner.  After the meatballs were devoured, we suited up and headed out.  Zee and I took Riley around their neighborhood and let me tell you - they must bus kids in cause there were hundreds and hundreds hitting the blocks around them.  Riley started out strong but half way around the block gave up and insisted that Iron Man needed to fly, so Zee carried him.  Even just going half way around the block, though, he still made a pretty good haul (and I got a few snacks too)!

Meanwhile, Asher stayed with Bibi to hand out candy and seemed to do pretty well.  He liked seeing the kids and most of the costumes, until one scared him and he was done.  It was also past his bedtime too, so I can't blame him for being upset and ready to leave.

I left a big bowl of candy at my house and was half expecting it to be empty when we came home cause a teenager got a hold of it, but we get so few kids in my neighborhood that more than half the bowl was left when I came back.  Oh well, more for me!

We missed having Chris here but knowing that he won't be going to this same conference next year makes me happy - now I have a whole year to come up with outfits for us where all four of us can dress up together!  The suggestion box is officially open!

Friday, October 28, 2016

Getting ready for Halloween

It seems as though Riley has inherited Safta's affinity for Halloween and has been asking for  weeks to decorate the house in anticipation of the upcoming holiday.  Who am I to deny him this pleasure so last week I took him to the Dollar Store and let him go nuts in the Halloween aisle.  He clearly had a vision cause he knew exactly what he was looking for and knew what to avoid.  The only thing I had to veto was a motion activated wiggling rat - I just couldn't be on board with that one.

Chris and the boys decorated the front yard last week and I think it looks great.  Be sure to look at all the places they decorated - even the guest skeletons saying hi from the front window.  We will be going to the Halloween parade tomorrow morning and then to a Halloween birthday party so we will be getting a lot of mileage out of our costumes this year - stay tuned for pictures!

So our house may not be the most decorated house in the neighborhood, but I am totally ok with that.  We all know that Zadie and Safta's house will be the house in our family that knows how to dress the part and Riley is hoping the the witch who tells stories will still be out when we go to visit Visalia in November.  

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Tiny tooth time

It's hard to get a picture to prove it - especially when toys are being swung at my face - but Asher has 2 tiny teeth coming on the bottom!  Chris felt one at the end of last week and we have been keeping an eye on it, and today I saw the second one breaking through. 

He has been waking up a few times at night, usually just wanting his paci, so we are hoping to get back to his full night sleeps soon - but also, I just know that he is going to look so freaking adorable with little teeth in place, so I also want them to come in already.

Asher is doing a great job eating and has learned to mash up all kinds of food without teeth. He loves avocados and bananas, chicken and pancakes, eggs and cantaloupe.  To be honest, I don't think we have come across a food yet that he doesn't like.  And all 23 pounds of him can prove that he is a great eater!

Update: I got a picture where you can see his tiny teeth!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Asher is 9 months old

We just got back from the beach - which will get its own blog post - but I just wanted to take a minute to recognize the fact that Asher turned 9 months old while we were out of town.  

He is a very happy guy and everyone who meets him says two things.  1. That he is very happy and smiley and 2. That he is a big baby.  I can attest to both of those!  He is almost always in a good mood and makes friends easily.  And he weighs over 22 pounds which is getting more and more difficult to tote around.

We are taking him in for his 9 month check-up next week so we will see where he stacks up, but I know this linebacker, bruiser of a baby is going to be tipping the top ends of the chart.  But at the end of the day, he is so happy and healthy and cute, and those are the most important things to be checking in on!