Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Cousin convention

We've been looking forward to Patricia, James and Harvey's visit for weeks and weeks and we were so happy that they were able to come in town for Memorial Day!  We know it wasn't an easy schlep to get here, but it was very much appreciated and we had a great time.  This visit gave us the opportunity to spend time with Harvey - who is on the move and has a lot to say all the time.  It was also a time for Aunt Patricia, Uncle James and cousin Harvey to meet Asher for the very first time.

We had an awesome time - from Shabbat dinner to taking a boat ride on the river (not for Asher), a trip to the zoo, meals here and there and time to relax and play, a good time was had by all.  It was nice that we didn't really have an agenda and were able to go by 'kid time' because with 3 kids under 4, we were at their mercy.

I will say, however, that there was always a lot going on - and that there was very little down time.  There was always something happening, someone on the move or something needing to be done - more so than in my normal, crazy, busy life.  So I guess what they say is true, it could always be worse (or busier, as the case may be)!

Thank you so much for visiting us and let the countdown to the next cousin convention begin!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Back from Birmingham

This past week we were lucky enough to be able to spend some time in Birmingham and have Asher meet his Grammy and Grandy for the very first time!  For weeks, Riley had been counting down the days until he got to fly to Birmingham, and when the time finally came, it did not disappoint.

Asher was a wonderful flyer and either ate, slept or smiled throughout each of the 4 planes that it took for us to get there and back.  Riley mainly looked out the window or watched movies so we were really happy with the way the flights went.

Grammy and Grandy were so thrilled to meet Asher and the feeling was mutual.  We had no schedule or agenda and were just looking forward to some down time at the house spending time together.  We threw in a visit to the park and some walks around the neighborhood but nothing is better than spending time with family.  Asher and Riley had a great time and loved all the attention and affection (and presents) that came their way.

And what did Asher think about the whole experience?

I think it was a success!  Can't wait to go back again!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

4 months old

Asher went in for his 4 month appointment and I am happy to announce that he is the picture of health!  He weighs 14 pounds, 14.1 ounces and is at the 50th percentile for both height and weight.  The doctor was very happy with the way he is looking and says he won't have to see him again until his 6 month appointment!

The older Asher gets, the more Riley can interact with him and the more they act like brothers. Riley is a great big brother and asks to kiss him, tries to give him a blankie and helps to push the stroller, among other things.  I think the older Asher gets, the more he will learn from Riley, too - just hopefully the good things!