Monday, March 28, 2016

First day at school (and back to work)

Well, the vacation is officially over and it is time for Asher to go to school and start learning like a big boy.  We all knew this day was coming but 12 weeks flew and I can't believe today was his first day at the JCC.

I was worried either he or I (or both) would cry at drop off but we both did really well.  I felt comfortable leaving him in the Infant Room because its the same room that Riley was in when he was a baby and I know the teachers and trust them.  Asher didn't really care where he was as long as he had a bed, a bottle and a warm body to snuggle up to.  And his bed was waiting for him too with a special welcome message.

All of the teachers were really excited to see him awake as each of the other times I brought him in to say hi, he was asleep.  We did the hand off and Asher seemed to be happy as long as he was being held.

Riley was able to come and visit during the day and was so excited to visit his little brother.  At the end of the day, I came to pick him up and found him wonky in the swing without a care in the world - seems pretty happy to me!

And for me, going back to work was easy - just like I expected.  It was nice that I had been able to keep up with projects by coming in every week, plus, my co-workers were super helpful in keeping my inbox pretty clear so I wasn't swamped coming back in.  And who doesn't love working at an office who welcomes you back to work with hugs and flowers?

I think it will take a few days to get into a groove and find a routine that works to get everyone out the door on time and prepared for the day, but I think we will get there as a team!

Monday, March 21, 2016

Ode to a tired dad

I'm sorry to say it, but tonight is the night that Chris cracked.  I came into Riley's room and Chris was laying on the bed laughing hysterically for no reason what-so-ever.  I should have seen it coming all night...

It was a normal evening at first - he made dinner, I tended to crying Asher, Riley was asking a thousand questions.  We sat down for about 10 minutes as a family for dinner before each of us had to take turns holding Asher who made it his mission to keep the attention on him, as he does at dinner almost every night.

After dinner, I went to nurse Asher in his room.  It was dark and quiet with music playing but from the other side of the door, I kept hearing "Daddy? Daddy! Daddy?" and I knew Chris was doing all he could to keep it together.  At one point, he came in the room, laid on the floor and hid from Riley for 2 minutes.  I considered myself lucky to be in the quiet room!

About 20 minutes later, Chris came back in the room asks Asher "Can you please grow up faster?  Riley needs someone to play with!"  While I am enjoying all the snuggly tiny human time, Chris is ready for another boy who he can actually play with.

When Chris was reduced to a laughing fool, I tried to relieve him and took over bedtime for Riley who was fighting the fact that he had to put on jammies and trying to convince us that a blankie that smelled like blurp was actually his and not Asher's dirty one.

I am happy to announce, however, that both boys are now in bed - Chris is happy with a beer and video games and I am enjoying my ice cream.  Let's celebrate little victories like bedtime!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

A reason to celebrate

Today, Riley is 3 1/2 - and because we will celebrate just about anything, we had a mini party!  He celebrated with his friends at school with 1/2 cookies for all and tonight, he got a cupcake a song and a present.  And Asher just so happened to sleep through the whole thing...

As you can tell, he devoured the cupcake and tore right into the gift - both very well received!  We ended up singing to each other because Riley reminded me that it was my 1/2 birthday as well.  I guess you celebrate the halves a lot more when you are 3 and not 31!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

2 months old

Time is flying by and I can't believe that Asher is already 2 months old!  I know I will look back when he is 2 years old and 12 years old and 20 years old and not believe how tiny he was and how quickly time is moving.

We had the official weigh in this afternoon and Asher weighs... drum roll please... 10 pounds, 9 ounces!  The doctor was very impressed with his weight gain and said that Asher is looking great!He had to have 3 shots but after the initial crying and shock, he was happy to snuggle and eat.

Asher is still pretty much eating and sleeping but he is staying awake longer and likes to look around and check things out. The next trick that he should be able to do is to smile at us when we smile at him.  Stay tuned for some smiley baby pictures in the near future!