Sunday, February 14, 2016

Chilly Valentine's Day

We had quite the exciting Valentine's Day to report!  When Asher woke up to eat just before 2am, I realized that the power in the house (and the neighborhood) had gone out.  Usually, this isn't a big deal and you just wait till the morning and go back to sleep, but when the weather is in the single digits and you have little ones that need to stay warm, it causes a bigger issue.  We brought Asher into bed with us at 2am and brought Riley to the party at 5:30am.  When the house got down to 54 degrees, we invited ourselves to visit Zee.  We packed up the car with the kids, the dog and some necessities - and had a lovely morning/afternoon just making ourselves at home in a house that had lights and heat!  The power came back on at noon, so the rest of the day was spent relaxing and making up for a long night.

This evening, we celebrated Valentine's Day with pizza!  It took quite a long time for the pizza to be delivered so in that time, Chris and Riley entertained themselves by playing in the basement and running around like crazy people, expending all of their energy.  Asher and I camped out in his room, choosing to be a little more civilized and calm.  I managed to snag Riley for one minute and this is the best picture I was able to get of the two boys - the other ones literally had Riley as a blur cause he is always on the move.

Hugs and kisses to everyone and happy Valentine's Day!

Friday, February 12, 2016

Encouragement from the Peanut Gallery

Every day, we work on tummy time and Asher is getting pretty good at lifting his head - when he wants to.  When he doesn't want to, he squacks and you know it's almost time to flip him back.  The other thing that helps him is encouragement from him big brother and cheering squadron.

If you can't tell what Riley is chanting, it's "lift your head... lift your head!"  I think Asher appreciated the positive vibes!

And when tummy time is over, you deserve a nice nap - tiny blankets compliments of your big brother as well!

Monday, February 8, 2016

Due Date or Eat Dates?

So today is the day that we were counting down to - my due date!  Turns out, the numbers don't always add up...

It seems like such a long time ago that I walked into the hospital questioning whether or not I was having contractions but here we are, 5 weeks later, and we are lucky to have had that extra time with Asher!  I was so concerned about the weather being bad on my due date and if we would have to drive to the hospital in feet of snow, but today is rainy and pretty mild so it wouldn't have been too bad.  Spending 5 extra weeks being pregnant, however, is a different story.  I keep thinking that all of these weeks I've been home could have been more time being pregnant and that option seems pretty lousy to me...  Sure, I am not sleeping a lot now, but I wasn't at the end of my pregnancy either.

So to celebrate my due date, I sit here, next to my perfect, sleeping, early to the party baby and eat dates!