Saturday, May 23, 2015

GeeGee Tree

A few weeks ago during her visit, GeeGee told us that she would like to get Riley a tree.  She wants him to help plant it, take care of it and watch it grow over the years.  So we waited for the weather to warm up enough and today was the day to get the GeeGee Tree growing!

We made two trips and filled the car with the flowering pear tree, flowers, plants, soil and mulch galore! Good thing Riley was willing to share the back seat cause this is no small sapling!

We planted a few areas in the front yard and after lunch and nap time, it was time to get the tree in the ground.  Chris was the official digger, Riley was on filling patrol and I was in charge of documenting and overseeing the project.  (Don't think that I didn't get my hands dirty as well - I was playing with grubs and dirt all afternoon too).

We had all of the right tools and perfect weather for a day of planting.  Riley was very happy to get in there, take off his shoes and fill in the hole, water the plant and make sure that it felt very welcome in its new home.

We are looking forward to taking care of our new family member over the years and helping to watch it grow.  So feel free to come on over, introduce yourself to the GeeGee Tree and give it a good hug!

I am pretty happy with the way the front yard looks now!  What do you think?

Friday, May 15, 2015

The Watering Hole

What is one of our go to activities on a quiet night in?  Bath time!  I know that many people my age like to get dressed up, go out and celebrate the start of the weekend but I can't imagine a better date than this little guy that kept me smiling all night!

The only time I wasn't smiling tonight was when a toy boat full of water came flying out of the tub and turned the floor into a big puddle.  Nothing that we can't handle, though, so all is good!

So if you are ever wondering where we are when most people are out enjoying a relaxing dinner or a drink at the bar - just come to our private watering hole - the bath tub!