Monday, October 27, 2014

When Daddy's away

October and November are crazy months, between the move, Chris in and out of town for work and my upcoming group.  But the one thing that remains constant and keeps us moving along is Riley.  And when one of us is out of town, we have to make sure to keep his distracted and busy enough so that he doesn't miss the missing parent.

I'd like to say that we do a pretty good job at this!  Today, it was beautiful outside so we took one of the last opportunities of the season to play outside on the swing set after school.  Then after dinner and bath time, we stuck to indoor activities.

There are still about a dozen boxes here and there, so Riley and I attacked his books tonight.  After they were all on the shelf, we had a few great boxes to play with.  So what do we do?  We make trains!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

A new buddy, Bones!

As we all know, Safta LOVES Halloween!  We weren't sure if she would get into it this much with the recent move to California, but when a package arrived for Riley, we knew she was counting down the days till her favorite holiday. 

It was a special treat to open the package and he had a great time exploring the contents.  But all of the other elements went unnoticed as soon as the skeleton came around!  This was certainly the winner by a long shot and I think Riley has a new best friend.  Apparently Halloween is the skeleton's birthday and Riley was excited to teach him all the songs he knows.

We tried to hang the skeleton on the front door to get in the spirit of the holiday, but Riley had other thoughts.  After unsuccessfully inviting the skeleton into the bathtub, Riley was pretty adamant about where his new friend should go for the night.

I think we'll name him Bones and let him stick around for a while!  Thanks Safta!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Home sweet home

As of last week, we are officially home owners!  It feels good to have the hunting and the paperwork behind us and are now able to focus our energy on unpacking and making this house our home.  I will admit that there are things that I may not love about the house, but that is probably true with any house, even if you build it from the ground up.

I will tell you, however, who is loving the new house... Riley!  He has a man cave/toy den in the basement, a swing set and slide in the backyard and a new room that he is already very comfortable in.  We were worried that he would wake up the first morning and be scared that he didn't know where he was, but this kid is an adaptable nomad who didn't complain once through the whole process.

Now that we are unpacking, we are finding all of the old favorite toys that had been packed up for a while - and making new toys - like humidifier filters that can be used as hats!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Moving mayhem

With the closing complete, all there is left to do is pack, paint and move!  I will easily admit that this is not my favorite part of getting a new house, but with Chris being the professional packer and Riley adding a helping hand, we're sure to be in the new house in no time. 

Now if only he could put that book down, put on some pants and tape up some boxes...

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Fun time friends

Since the weather has cooled off, we are looking for some fun activities to do inside to stay warm.  Add on top of that the fact that we are potty training and staying inside is really the best thing for everyone!  

This afternoon, Chris had to work, so I thought I was in charge of afternoon entertainment.  Turns out, Riley thought he was in charge of entertaining me!  He took his job very seriously and had a great time putting on a show in his room.  I'm not exactly sure what he was chanting but he seems to know exactly what's happening.

Next activity was brushing Mommy's hair!  I guess I couldn't quite convey the fact that you don't brush curly hair so he took his turn and did the best that he could.  I will not be adding this hairdo to my rotation but I will allow him another chance or two to redeem himself in the future.