Sunday, February 23, 2014

Drop and give me 20

On Sunday mornings, we have been going to the JCC to have family workout time.  This morning, Mommy, Daddy and I did Boot Camp while Chris and RIley swam in the pool.  In the past few weeks, Riley has been a great distraction in running around the gym and it makes the tough workout seem easier because I just love watching him in action.

Even though they were swimming, the boys came into visit at the end of our class and helped us for the last few exercises.  My last plank was extra hard as I had an extra 20 pounds to support - and it was hard to stay steady (hence the blurry picture)!

After our morning workout, we attended a Purim celebration which included story time, a mask making station and hamentashen!  We saw a few friends and enjoyed an early start to the holiday.

After a nap and some playtime, Riley and I hit the grocery store to pick up a few things.  He was a great helper and really enjoyed himself in the store making friends in the aisles, eating free cookies from the nice bakery ladies and trying to convince me that the honey bear was really a juice box...

Monday, February 17, 2014

Snow Day

This has been quite the winter, with snow coast to coast, and record low temperatures.  But when the stars align, you have a Sunday morning, where the snow is new and the sun is out and the temperature is just right for playing.  So we bundled up and took to the hills.

Riley and I were in charge of playing and keeping an eye on Addison, while Chris was in charge of shoveling.  Riley had a great time playing in the snow and has almost all of the right gear for the task at hand.  The only thing we are missing is snow boots, but they come in short supply - hopefully they won't be needed for that much longer.

The snow is tolerable on the weekends and when you get to go outside and play, everyone is happy! 

Look at what a difference 1 year makes!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day Delivery

Today, Riley got a special Valentine's Day delivery from Zaydie and Safta!  He opened the package and started with the card.  It was a cute puppy and heart card that when he opened it, the card sang - and Riley loved it!  He was kicking his feet, bouncing along and I think he's trying to learn the words.

Also part of the delivery?  Chocolate!  Riley has had little tastes here and there, but this is the first time he actually had his own piece of chocolate - and he loved this too!

And if he's anything like his mama, he will now track down chocolate just about every day for just about any reason!

Monday, February 10, 2014

This is exhausting!

I thought weekends were for sleeping in, getting laundry done, going to the gym and overall relaxation.  I remember the days when I would stay in bed until 10, lounge around in sweats and decide if I even wanted to leave the house.  And if it was cold or wet or snowy or slushy then you may stay inside all day.  But honestly, I can't remember the last time I had one of those days.  

Even before Riley, these days were few and far between.  With dogs and a cat, you are always on someone else's schedule - waking up before you wanted, bundling up when all you want to do is stay inside.

But you have to take the responsibilities as they come with so many rewards.  Being able to teach new words, play fun games, get a hug and see a smile - it makes it all worth it.  Cause how can you be mad that you have to get out of bed when you get to see a face like this?