Thursday, January 30, 2014

Adios adenoids!

The day has come and gone that we were all counting down till - the day that Riley said sayonara to his adenoids.  I know that we were all looking forward to the procedure for many reasons, but mainly so that Riley will feel better and that we could get the day out of the way.

Overall, everything went pretty smoothly.  We were afraid that it would be a tough morning with Riley not being able to have breakfast or lunch, but we brought him to the hospital and he was in great spirits and just wanted to play!  There were so many toys that he hadn't seen since his ear tubes in October, that he got to check everything out all over again.

It was easy for us to mentally prepare for the day because nothing was really too new for us.  We knew the drill and what rooms we would be going to, so the question of the unknown wasn't really an issue.  When it was time to go into the OR, I donned the gauze jumpsuit that I had missed so much, and carried Riley back into the same operating room as a few months ago.  They let me stay a little longer this time, so I was there as Riley was sedated and got to kiss him goodnight before his operation nap.

This procedure took a little longer than the last one but pretty soon, the ENT was there telling is how smoothly everything went and that he was very happy with everything.  He said that the adenoid was completely blocking the nasal passages and that it was 100% the right decision to go through with the procedure.  We got to go back to see Riley and mad it just in time as he was waking up from the second dose of anesthesia.  He was woozy and sleepy but happy to see us and ready to drink some juice!

And drink he did!  That bottle was his best friend for the next 24 hours.  We kept filling it up and he kept downing it - something that made the nurses very happy!  We went up to our room where we would stay overnight and settled in.  There was another family staying the night too, who's son had the same procedure as Riley and was the same age.  

So we spent the evening drinking, eating, taking laps around the infant floor and timing out medicine doses.  We knew that bedtime wouldn't be so great because we weren't just trying to get one baby to sleep in the room, but tried to time it out so that both boys would fall asleep at the same time, in a hospital room, not feeling 100%.  Needless to say, it took a while, but by 9pm, the room was quiet.  Until 3am...

That's when Riley thought it was time to play!  So we took some more laps, drank some milk, sang some songs, watched some movies, read some books, played with some toys, and tried everything we could, until finally, Chris got him to go back to sleep at 5am.  

So the night at the hospital wasn't great, but the fantastic news is that Riley seems to be feeling well, he is eating his favorites and will be going back to school in the morning.  

As for me, I am going to sleep in my own bed and looking forward to no nurse check-ins!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Bounce house

This weekend, the JCC had a birthday bash that we all attended.  There were cupcakes, games, and a balloon artist that made Riley a balloon AND an elephant!  We had a fun time walking around and playing in the gym - and then we found the bounce house!

There were a couple of crazy kids jumping around so we decided to wait our turn until the very end of the party and then took over and had the bounce house to ourselves!

BiBi even joined in the fun and we all had a great time jumping around, chasing balloons and testing out the new experience!  At times, Riley tried to escape, but lucky for us, there were nets.

Since we were the last ones out, when we were putting on our shoes, they started deflating the bounce house.  Riley looked over and saw the house collapsing on itself and all he had to say was "uh oh"!  

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Play date

This past weekend, Riley had his first play date with his friend from school, Hunter, who is 10 months old.  We were invited over to play and we were all excited to see what would happen.  We weren't sure if the boys would play with each other or just play with toys in the same room, but despite the 6 month age difference, they played really well together.  

They each had some exploring to do with new toys and Riley claimed some of Hunter's toys as his new favorites.  They played together with the toy house and threw a ball to (at) each other, but their favorite place to play together was in the dogs bed.

Riley walked over to the dog bed and hopped right in.  Hunter crawled over and decided to join the party.  So here are the two boys, wrestling around in the dog bed, and having the best time ever.  Then, Riley decided to climb on top of Hunter and try to ride him...  

We may have to work on appropriate play date behavior but we had such a great time playing together and look forward to many more play dates in the future!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Here comes trouble

Well, today is the day that Riley had his first Time-Out.  I came to school to pick him up and when I didn't see him in the play area, I asked if he was napping.  The teachers told me that he was in his crib but not sleeping - he was having some alone time... aka Time-Out.  Turns out, he was not very nice a few times today.

He threw his cup so hard that the plastic cracked and he was going around smacking a few of the kids.  Riley is the oldest kid in the class now so I guess he is trying to show those babies who's boss.  Maybe it's time to move him up to the next class so he's not the big man on campus anymore.

This is obviously something that we are going to have to keep an eye on, but in the meantime, keep your eyes open and stay on your toes, cause this kid comes swingin'.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Fort Riley

This evening before bath time, we found a secret clubhouse right in the middle of our living room!  The boys scouted it out and found that they can both fit in there perfectly together.  Problem is, there was no room for Mommy!  Every time I would go in, Riley would jump out and then Addison would run around licking one face after another.

BiBi and Zee had a great fort set up in their dining room last weekend from the new crib box and everyone had a tun playing in it.

I have a feeling there will be a slew of forts in our future!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Sweet 16

Today marks Riley's 16 month birthday.  No, we didn't get him a car, but we did let him watch a movie during dinner!  And to celebrate occasion, we had a dance party!

Riley has an ever growing vocabulary and source of energy and it's always fun to talk to him to see what he is going to say and figure out the new things he is learning.  Here is a list of things he can say:

  1. hi
  2. bye bye
  3. daddy
  4. kitty
  5. uh-oh
  6. up
  7. down
  8. juice
  9. socks
  10. shoes
  11. he can hiss like a snake
  12. he can moo like a cow
  13. truck
  14. choo choo
  15. he can make tractor noises
  16. beep beep
  17. stars
  18. it's cool
  19. baby
  20. bath
  21. addison
  22. aunt stacey
  23. pee pee
  24. diaper
  25. thank you
  26. please
  27. yes
  28. turtle
  29. he can roar like a lion/bear/dinosaur
  30. bottle
What is he not saying?
  1. mommy
I have faith that it will happen one day soon!