Sunday, November 24, 2013

So much to say!

Every day, Riley shares more and more "words" and is building up his vocabulary so that one day soon, I am sure he will just start talking in full sentences.  He seems to be understanding a lot of what we say and is pretty quick to mimic us and try to say what we are saying.

Riley was looking out the window this morning and had a lot to say to tell me what he saw.  He likes to climb up on a little chair and look out to see the weather, the neighbors and passing cars.  

This afternoon, we went to run some errands and between pushing the cart through the aisles and adding new toys to his wish list, Riley found a new pet that he was begging to bring home.  Needless to say, if he can't fit in the cart, there's no way we are taking him home!

We are so excited for everyone to come in town for Thanksgiving and Hanukkah so let the countdown begin!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Where's Hanukkah Harry?

This afternoon, Riley and I took a tour of the holiday decorations (at the hardware store)!  They had little toy trains and miniature cityscapes to watch, sparkling trees to stroll through and a special Santa set-up to say hi.  Riley took his time meandering through the aisles and when he came upon Santa, he was really excited - cause Santa has a puppy!

Riley tried to pet the toy puppy and even went as far as barking to him to get him to say hi back.  It was just a little out of his reach so when I lifted him up to say hi, Riley was happy and ready to move on in search of more fake animals to pet and the Jewish decoration section.  We are still looking out for Hanukkah Harry!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Countdown to Hanukkah

Yesterday, the JCC and Federation hosted a play group where we read Hanukkah stories, played with instruments and made an arts and crafts project.  Riley had a great time listening to the story, running around showing everyone his belly button and eating his snacks.  

There was a really cute project to make a handprint menorah but Riley wasn't so sure about it.  We got his hands in the paint but then he hated it.  Good thing there were baby wipes at the ready - otherwise it would have been a disaster.

The final project wasn't exactly what it was supposed to be, but it was creative and beautiful anyways.  This is Riley's first Hanukkah decoration and it will be displayed proudly in our house.

And this is how happy the boys were once we were cleaned up and ready to go home.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Sprung from school

Riley hasn't been feeling 100% again - his fever is back and he still has a runny nose - so we sprung him from school this afternoon and brought him to the doctors office to see what was going on.

The fire station is just across the street from the pediatrician so we have started to make a habit of showing up a little early and making a detour to check out the trucks.  I figure we might as well make him really happy before we piss him off.  Today, they let us go up in the truck and Riley had a great time practicing his steering skills!

Then it was off to the doctors appointment.  The good news is that they didn't see anything that was wrong.  His ears look good, his lungs sound great and he was in a pretty good mood.  The bad news is that we still don't know why he keeps getting sick.  So for now, we will just keep a close eye on him, hope for the best and pray that he gets over all of this quickly.