Friday, March 22, 2013

New foods are fun

Every couple of days, Riley gets to try a new food.  He gets to incorporate the new food into the mix and we wait to see if he has a reaction of any kind.  Luckily, every food has been good so far!  And this week, Riley was introduced to the wonderful world of peanut butter!

He is loving all of the foods he gets to eat and wants to eat everything that we are eating too. He especially loves fruit and now shares most of the fruits that we are eating.  You should see him peeling off little strips of fruit with his tiny teeth.

The next few foods that are planned are cottage cheese and eggs!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Prepped to pack

We are so excited for our trip to Pittsburgh and Riley is ready to start packing his bag.  His laundry is almost done and then we get to pick what outfits he will get to show off for flights, seders and parties! 

Now he just has to get out of the suitcase so we can fill it with everything else!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Oh, a tag!

Stream of consciousness - Riley's thoughts as told by Stacey:

Hey mom
look at my tooth
whats up
cool, a toy
someones in the hall
imma eat it
oh, hi again
whats that?
imma get it
oh no
oh shit
i've fallen.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

6 month check-up

This morning, Riley had his 6 month check-up.  We saw a different doctor today because our other doctor was out of the office but this doctor was really nice too and Riley seemed to like her.

We had a great weigh-in at 15 pounds, 13 ounces and Riley is now 26 1/2 inches tall!  He is at around the 50th percentile for height and the 20th percentile for weight but the doctor told us not to worry about those numbers and he is looking perfect!  The doctor answered all of our questions and said that Riley can start eating meat, dairy, eggs and nut products.  

Unfortunately, this check-up also included 2 shots which did not make Riley very happy.  On top of that, it was his nap time and we were keeping him awake so we had a pretty unhappy baby on our hands at the end of the appointment.  So much so that we couldn't even put his pants back on cause he was so squirmy.

But don't worry - Riley took a nap in the car and woke up a very happy guy for our walk around the mall!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

6 months old!

Today, we celebrated Riley's 1/2 birthday by going to the "aquarium' (pet store)!  There were so many friends to see that we went from cage to cage and tank to tank just checking out all of the amazing animals.

We started out by checking out the birds.  They were cheeping at Riley and he was having fun squawking back at them.

Then, we went to visit the mice, guinea pigs, hamsters and other fluffy critters.

Then, we spent some time checking out all of the different fish tanks.  Riley loved checking out and all the schools and even wanted to go swimming with some of them. (Don't worry - he stayed dry at the pet store).

When we got home, we celebrated with chocolate cupcakes!  You know how kids usually get a smash cake on their first birthday?  Well, Riley is getting some practice in early...

It was so funny and so messy!  We tried to keep as much frosting out of Riley's mouth as possible but he just moves so quickly.  So the activity ended with a quick sink bath.

We had so much fun celebrating but I can't believe that half a year has already passed.  We are having so much fun being parents that time really does fly.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Best day ever

We just had to let everyone know that yesterday was the best baby day ever!  Nothing super special happened, but Riley was so happy all day long.  

He took 2 long naps where he fell asleep on his own in his crib without crying, had a great time playing when he was awake, visited the library, loved reading books before and after bath time and then slept all the way from 10:30pm - 7am!  

It was a great day for everyone in the house and we are keeping our fingers crossed for more perfect days like these!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Fun with bubbles

Riley loves bubbles!  We got these great bubbles from Gymboree where the bubbles last forever - so when you are done with bubble time, there are hundreds of little bubbles on the carpet, in the crib, in your hair and down the hall.  They are great during bath time too!

And Riley isn't the only one who likes bubble time!

We have celebrated Riley's birthday on the 9th of every month and this Saturday is his 6 month birthday!  We are taking suggestions of what we should do to celebrate.  So far, we have had cake, decorated his room, flew to Pittsburgh, went to a wedding and went swimming.  So what should we do on Saturday to celebrate?