Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Growing a baby - according to Stacey

As we progress from week to week, the baby is growing and changing - eyes appear, fingers develop and a heart grows stronger.  Stacey has been following along throughout this process and has decided to give her own blow-by-blow based on the research that she has done.  In her very own words, here is what our baby (nicknamed "Blueberry") has been up to over the past few weeks.

Week 7
looks like a porpoise
- with "pudgy extremities"
- with a tail
- your baby has two brain hemispheres
- you have more than 10% more blood than you normally do.  by the end of your pregnancy you’ll have 40-45% more!  woah!

Week 8
your pourpose has turned into a rhino
- with webbed fingers and toes
dont worry, the tail is almost gone now
but at this point no genitals
- it is the size of a kidney bean
is your bra more snug?  it said i can go up 4 cup sizes!

Week 9:
-  looks like a squid (without the tentacles)
- the tail is totally gone, finally!
full eyes (will they be blue???) but they're fused shut so don't bother trying to figure out what color they are
are you mood swinging?  i bet Chris likes that

Week 10:
- your baby is now an alien
- tap-dancing is normal now so shine up those patent leather shoes
peach fuzz is there now - see if you can see a teeny jew-fro on the ultrasound!
translucent skin, still creepy

Week 11:
- looks like a walrus
- practicing water ballet (tiny shoes?)
may have the hiccups - but probably only when she laughs

Week 12:
alien again, and if you prod your belly, blueberry will squirm in response (but you cant feel it)
blueberry starts urinating - enjoy that
eyes are now in front of its face instead of on the side 
do you have heartburn yet?  that's not fun

Week 13:
baby? wow, it looks like a baby!
- the body is starting to catch up with its head, thank goodness
if blueberry is a girl, she has more than 2 million eggs in her ovaries - whaaaat?  get that girl on the pill!

Thanks for the feedback Stacey!  
Can't wait to see what you come up with for the upcoming weeks!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

33% done already?

Well, today officially marks 12 weeks!  

According to my pregnancy app, the baby is now the size of a plum, is 2.1 inches long and weighs a whopping 1/2 ounce.  Its funny - sometimes I forget that I am even pregnant because it has been so easy so far and then I look and see the ultrasound and remember that there is a little baby growing inside of me.

The other thing that reminds me that I am pregnant is that my pants are starting to get a little tight...  Today in particular, it was more noticeable than it has been so far.  Maybe its the fact that I haven't worn this specific pair of pants in about a year, but 10 minutes after sitting down at my desk, I knew it was going to be a long day!

Besides that, everything is going really well!  We have tests and doctors appointments set up for the next few weeks and we are hoping to just continue getting good news!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Pregnancy Top 10

This week, my mom shared with me her Top 10 reasons she loved being pregnant.  With her permission, I thought it would be nice to share (thanks Mommy!).  So here you go, the Top 10 reasons, according to Malori, why it's great to be pregnant...

10) I had a healthy glow for 9 months
9) People held doors open for me
8) I got to eat whatever I wanted - guilt free!
7) I felt healthy - inside and out
6) My hair grew very fast and was so thick and shiny
5) I loved having a life inside of me, one which I alone could nurture
4) I loved feeling the kicking 
3) I felt special
2) It was such an emotional time - I had so much love to share 
1) I knew this was a moment in time that I would remember always...and I have!

Some of these I have felt already, some of them I look forward to celebrating in the future.  Either way, I feel lucky to have 200+/- days of pregnancy to look forward to.  Any others that should be added to the list?  Feel free to share!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Healthy and nutritious?  No
Satisfies my cravings?  Yes!

We've all heard that pregnant woman have crazy cravings - pickles and ice cream is probably the most notable.  This, however, is not what I've been craving.

What have I been in the mood for?  Carbs!  They all look delicious but there are certain ones that have grabbed my attention.  The most recent craving that lasted about 2 weeks?  Boston Market.  And no, not the chicken, but the side dishes!  Mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, macaroni and cheese and corn bread!  So after not being able to resist any longer, I fired up the oven, had all flames going on the stove and I whipped up Erin's Carb Market.  And let me tell you, it was delicious!

I was thinking up other options this evening on the way to Zumba and here is what else would have worked this evening.  Deep dish pizza, pad thai, broccoli and tofu stir fry, pasta, salad and breadsticks at Olive Garden and chips with guacamole.  

If anyone is interested in sharing, feel free to come on by!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy LOVE Day!

Valentines Day, the day created to celebrate love, seems as good a time as any to start a baby blog!  We are so excited to be able to share this journey with our family and friends hope you will follow along with us on the road to parenthood.

Right now, we are 10 weeks along and everything is going smoothly.  We went to the doctor, saw the baby, listened to the heartbeat and were told that everything is looking great - we are thrilled!  There has been no morning sickness (knock on wood) and the baby is growing at the perfect speed.  We have gone from a poppy seed to a blueberry to a raspberry to an olive and this week, our baby is the size of a prune.  

We have told all of our immediate family and everyone has been so excited and supportive.  We can't wait to make our world announcement but that will have to wait for a few weeks.  Until then, we will just keep waiting and growing!